To borrow a phrase from the wonderful world of sports, “This was a rebuilding year”. While Fin and I work to shape and build a new lifestyle, I’ve found myself wrestling with questions of how to have a healthy view of life while also looking forward. Another year has passed by, and I find myself wanting to enjoy the next year more, to live a bit more in the now, instead of toward the future.
I’m not a fan of sharing too much on the internet, but the work/life balance issues, followed by the challenges of health in aging parents and relatives have put more than a little strain on Fin and myself.
Previous Years Resolutions
This is the time of year I force myself to look back into the past, and look at my previous goals. I see a mixed bag.
1. Pay off 2 more accounts
BORDERLINE. Fin and I free-wheeled into paying off one of my student loans. At this point, we’re “better than average” Americans on debt. Not quiet where we wanted to be, but we’re definitely still making progress. The closer we get, the more effort it seems to stay focused.
2. Publish an App on the Android App Store
FAIL. I’ve taken some time to learn about Android and app development. I even have made a few demo/test apps for my tablet and phone. At this point, it’s about finding time to actually sit down and build something. Taking care of family has been significantly more important over the past year.
3. Make a few batches of fermented beverage
FAIL. Didn’t even get a chance to look at this.
4. Develop a whizz-bang theme
FAIL. Ugh, same here. But, I’ve at least kept this site online!
5. Record/Produce a few pieces of music and publish them on the net
BORDERLINE/FAIL. So far, I’ve put up a single recording on SoundCloud, and it was a quick and dirty playing for a Mic test (versus something done to record). I’ve focused more on developing my musicianship this past year, including doing a bit of the coursera thing.
6. Have a solid work out routine formed before September
FAIL/BORDERLINE. This has been slowly developing for the past few months. Mostly, on account of having purchase an activity tracker: the vivosmart. I’ve joined the “get my steps in cult”, and it definitely helps to have a “trainer” that sets reasonable goals and pushes you along.
7. Learn C#
CHANGED. After switching jobs, I’ve found myself more involved in C/C++ land than before, but I’m now adding OpenGL and SQL into the mix. I’m working on developing newer technologies, but will probably target Java first, and then C# as required for work.
8. Get a few of the homestead Carpentry/Plumbing/Electrical “TODO” items out of the way
NEAR WIN. I accomplished a couple things here on my list. More to do still, but there’s been progress!
9. Average 2 posts a month on
WIN. Not all quality, but I managed this one.
10. Resume my tutorial writing / developer documentation niche
FAIL. Life has been in the way here.
Stretch Goal #1 Develop Income Sources Outside of Office Work
Stretch Goal #2 Get Involved with Make style community
Stretch Goal #3 Amateur Radio License
All stretch goals where fail.
Unexpected Developments
Switching Jobs
My former employer turned into something of a drama show during last winter. Disagreements between managers, the owner, and a multitude of political games and politics killed my desire to work there. The environment leaked into my personal life, and caused inordinate amounts of stress.
From the months leading up to my leaving, I watched many good people walk out. At the end, only a handful of people from my starting remained – mostly the successful sales people.
I’ve switched to worker for a larger company, and so far, it’s treating my well. If only as a place where I don’t have to deal with as much interpersonal stress and confused dynamics.
The majority of wins in my goals list all came AFTER switching jobs. And more so, after switching jobs and spending some significant time decompressing.
Fin posted a while back about the challenges we face with her father. I don’t have any plans on actively blogging about it except to say – it’s been tough for us both.
Fin might not be around here much, because she’s focused on taking care of her Father. Watching her makes me think just how lucky he – and I – are to have such an amazing person in our lives.
This blog remains an experiment to chronicle our adventure – in trying to escape a “suburban lifestyle”. And yet, in that adventure, the timeless issues of living come and rear their heads. I find myself wishing we did a better job chronicling the earlier – we’ve done some really cool stuff over the year.
But, that’s getting into my standard “new years” post.